Highly specialized training for athlete development
FRS Internal Strength Model®
Martial Arts
Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Judo, MMA
Normalize Joint Function: if you have a dysfunctional joint, that will always be a constraint to movement options in sport.
Fast Twitch Muscle Tissue Development: Rate of force development is a training quality that needs to be specifically trained so you take full advantage of its use it on the mats.
Improve Connective Tissue Load Bearing capacity: Elicit training effects from connective tissue structures so that you have a greater ability to tolerate the demands of combat sports on the areas that are most injured in combat sports.
Outdoor Sports
Running, Cycling, Alpine Climbing, Backpacking
Tissue Specific Endurance: Endurance happens at the level of the cardiovascular system, that means you need to train both your heart and the specific tissues you want to have more endurance in. Both can be trained in so you have a bigger, better gas tank.
Knee, Ankle, and Foot joint specific training - spend more time doing what you love outside with appropriate training for these joints that are constantly facing demands when hitting the trail, the pedals, and the mountain.
Enhance Sensory Feedback - Being able to better adapt on the fly to slips, terrain change, and scrambles as you create better feedback from the anatomy that is guiding you on the trail, on the mountain, or on the bike.
Field Sports
Baseball, Soccer, Hockey, Football
Absolute Strength - Train for strength as a behavior made up of multiple components (individual anatomy) and synergies (joint/connective tissue/muscle), not a singular thing. Be strong exactly where and how you need to be for your sport.
Speed Strength - Train to develop optimal velocity with the strength you have. You need to develop both aspects of the force/velocity curve to be a competitive athlete.
Injury Management - Stay ahead of injuries by consistently tackling those that come up while managing the other training qualities you need in and off season.
Lifting Sports
Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, Bodybuilding, Kettlebells
Train your spine: Instead of avoiding spine specific training, dive into building the capacities of your lower, mid, and upper back so you have more resiliency in the spine.
Solely pursuing excellence in lifting cannot happen without incurring a cost to physical health. Work on your lifting goals while simultaneously working on joint specific training to incur less physical costs from your lifting sport to your health.
Break through plateaus by understanding how to manage volume, specificity, and intensity in training over time.